Into The Radius VR Wiki

A small location nearby the player's entry point to the Radius. This area is featured in the Tutorial mission to gather 2 fragment cores in the release version of the game. It is a low risk location with a few fragment anomalies wandering around the interior and a spawn anomaly that patrols the Northwest hill. This location only typically has low tier loot. It's easy to get to, loot and extract from in less than 1 game day and does not require much preparation besides a knife.


Enemies Anomalies
  • Hollow Fragments
  • Spawns
  • Grass
  • Distortion
  • Reflector

Points of Interest[]

Chair Sculpture[]

A physics-defying stack of chairs with a figure of a small girl at the top found in the center of the Supply Depo. This structure emits a white noise while in its proximity. Be careful of the Fragment anomalies that are wandering in the area when observing this phenomenon.

Supply Depo Chair Sculpture

The chair sculpture.

Loot Locations[]

Hangar 1[]

The South hangar in the Supply Depo. Sometimes the shelves have items and there is an orange crate to the right of the vehicle.

Watch out for the Grass Anomaly near the entrance.

Loot Threats
  • Orange Crate
  • Shelves
  • Fragments
  • Grass

Hangar 2[]

The North hangar in the Supply Depo. Sometimes the shelves have items, and there is an orange crate in the back in a fenced area. The TT33 mentioned in a note can be found here.

Loot Threats
  • Orange Crate
  • Shelves
  • TT33 Pistol with Ammo and 2 Mags
  • Fragments

Truck Shelter[]

A small area with trucks and a collapsed concrete ceiling found on the North side of the Supply Depo. Several bodies can be searched here.

May require defeating fragments unless entering from the North hole in the wall.

Loot Threats
  • Bodies
  • Fragments

Northwest Hill Shack[]

A brick shack located on the hill Northwest of Supply Depo.

This is an unmarked location on the map that usually has a body with loot, a nearby anomaly cluster, and 1 - 3 nearby Spawn anomalies.

Loot Threats
  • Bodies
  • Nearby Anomaly Cluster
  • Spawns
  • Distortions
  • Reflectors

Southwest Side House[]

A small building within the Supply Depo in the Southwest corner.Getting inside may require defeating the fragments in the yard. Often has random spawning supplies inside of the cupboards. The grass anomaly only appears in the central hallway, however it may clip through the wall into some rooms.

Loot Threats
  • Shelves and Cupboards
  • Grass
  • Fragments

South Hill[]

A hill to the South of the Supply Depo. Must be climbed to reach the body and get an overlook of the Supply Depo. Next to the body is a hand-drawn map of the Supply Depo and a monocular. The hand-drawn map cannot be collected. You can climb up another layer above the body to get a better view of the Supply Depo.

Loot Threats
  • Body
  • Monocular
  • Falling

Main Gate Entrance[]

The main gate entrance on the West side of the Supply Depo.

Loot Threats
  • Bodies
  • Fragments
  • Spawns
  • Distortions
  • Reflectors

Collapsed Building[]

A collapsed brick building found on the North-West corner of the Supply Depo. There's nothing special about this building outside of the grass anomaly found in the center. No loot spawns in this building.

Misc Info[]

  • This is the setting of the Tutorial Mission as of version 1.0.4005
  • There is a climbable rock to the South outside of the wall that can make accessing the Southeast hole in the wall easier.
  • The large hill to the South can be climbed to get an overview of the Supply Depo there is also a map of the Supply Depo on the hill.
  • There is 3 propane tanks inside of the Supply Depo.
  • The hand-drawn map does not include an entrance on the North side, in the middle of the North Wall.
  • There is a hint at the D2 Shelter stating that there is a hidden TT pistol on a shelf in one of the hangars.

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